⚡Wizeo is now Wordbrew

Transforming content creation for every team

Gone are the days of the research, write, edit, publish content cycle. We have AI to thank for that. 

AI can make anyone a content marketer—and in a matter of seconds.

But well-written content? That’s a debatable result. 

That brings us to Wordbrew, where you can customize content creation to save time, sound human, and maintain quality.

online groupe picture of the team

*No credit card required

online groupe picture of the team

How Wordbrew works

We call our approach to content creation the hybrid model. This model combines AI’s speed and automation with human insight and creativity. Blended intelligence brings together the best of both worlds. 

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Save time

Input your brand data and preferences once into our LLM and get on-brand base drafts for every piece of content you create.

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Sound human

Go with your experts or our SME network to transform the AI-generated base drafts into original, performance-ready pieces.

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Maintain quality

Store every element of your brand identity and style guidelines for future use so you can sound consistent in everything you publish.


Founder Story

About Georgia

After leaving my 9–5, I was open for business freelancing full-time on Fiverr. Little did I know I’d find unexpected success and my new career as a startup founder—completing >15,000 projects over two years. 

I wrote content for all types of clients, and they all expressed similar pain points time and again: They wanted more content for the unique insights and brand opinions to be shared but couldn’t figure out how to accomplish this without sacrificing quality and speed. Striving to meet these demands, Wordbrew came to be.

Just like any startup, Wordbrew has evolved with industry demands. One thing remains: We innovate and iterate to produce better business outcomes for our clients. This customer-first, quality-first approach fueled my Fiverr success, and now it powers Wordbrew’s guiding principles. 

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Wordbrew’s commitment

When we say we’re fueling the future with words, that work extends beyond what’s written on a page.

Teaming up with Pahar Trust, we’re fueling a future where schoolchildren in Nepal have access to basic needs in a space where they can learn safely.

Social good has been part of Wordbrew’s DNA since day one—and that’s the one constant in this evolving industry. 

Brands building their content engines with Wordbrew

*No credit card required